About Principe
Things you should know before travel to Príncipe
Facts & Info
Places to stay
Hotels & Resorts
Must do and see
Places & Activities
Where to go
Principe Island Northern Belt

Yoga retreat

Experience an in-depth yoga or wellness retreat in a tranquil and nurturing environment. Whether you are a beginner or advanced student, you will enjoy this opportunity to take your practice to a new level.

Fishing in Principe

Principe Island is world-renowned for its fishing opportunities. So far, 230 fish species have been distinguished of which many are endemic. Wahoo, barracuda, dorado and cubera snapper are only a few of the varieties of fish that can be trolled for as you enjoy the indulgent bliss of a privately-chartered fishing boat.

Floresta de Azeitona

This secundary forest is being protected by the Natural Park, due to the richness of its bird life and the presence of threatened species of trees on the island. Of easy access from the capital, this forest is an ideal spot for bird watching, contemplation of the forest and also to meet the people who live close by.

Walk to Maria Correia

The lady Maria Correia was born on Príncipe, as a daughter of a brazilian imigrant and a mulata. Because of the energic and dynamic way of leading her slaves, she is remembered on Príncipe Island with respect by ones and fear by others. Like other plantations on the island, Maria Corria is now in ruins, except for the main house where the lady lived.

Walk to the Pico Papagaio

The Pico Papagaio is an emblematic peak of Príncipe Island. Visible from the capital, its altitude is aproximately 700 meters and has volcanic origins. Surrounded by secondary and primary forest, it is located inside the Príncipe Natural Park. Along the trail to the summit, many birds, monkeys, orquids, and medicinal plants can be observed.

The peak has only occasionally been explored. The first expedition dated back to 1929. A second trip was made in 1956, but could not make a serious botanical inventory due to poor weather. The 1999 trip found that the mountain rises from a heavily forested plateau with elevation 600 to 700 metres (2,000 to 2,300 ft).