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Principe Island Northern Belt

City of Santo Antonio do Principe

Probably the smallest city in the world

Santo António is the capital city of Principe Island. Just to have an ideia, consider that the total population of the Príncipe Island is about 6 thousand inhabitants and Santo António holds one thousand and five hundred inhabitants. That's way it was given the status of the smallest city of the world.

It is very easy to walk through it as well as it is also very easy to fall in love with it. The centre is named square Marcelo da Veiga and around it there are the most important buildings of the city: the Old Church, the ancient house of the Governor and several ruined houses that invite us to guess the beautiful frontages they had. There are the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceiçao, four or fiver streets, a marginal, the river Papagaio, the Municipal Market and…nothing else.In front you can find the forest.

Santo Antonio is very calm, without hurry and without schedules. It is worthwhile, even only for that reason, but it is also important to walk through the streets and appreciate the smallest sign of noise in the market.